Getting started with the Stackdriver Monitoring API

Cloud Datalab provides an environment for working with your data. This includes data that is being managed within the Stackdriver Monitoring API. This notebook introduces some of the APIs that Cloud Datalab provides for working with the monitoring data, and allows you to try them out on your own project.

The main focus of this API is to allow you to query time series data for your monitored resources. The time series, and it's metadata are returned as pandas DataFrame objects. pandas is a widely used library for data manipulation, and is well suited to working with time series data.

Note: This notebook will show you how to use this API with your own project. The charts included here are from a sample project that you will not have access to. For all cells to run without errors, the following must hold:

Importing the API and setting up the default project

The Monitoring functionality is contained within the datalab.stackdriver.monitoring module.

If the default project is not already set via the environment variable $PROJECT_ID, you must do so using 'set_datalab_project_id', or using the %datalab config magic.

In [26]:
# set_datalab_project_id('my-project-id')

First, list supported options on the Stackdriver magic %sd:

In [27]:
%sd -h

usage: sd [-h] {monitoring} ...

Execute various Stackdriver related operations. Use "%sd <stackdriver_product>
-h" for help on a specific Stackdriver product.

positional arguments:
  {monitoring}  commands
    monitoring  Execute Stackdriver monitoring related operations. Use "sd
                monitoring <command> -h" for help on a specific command

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

Let's see what we can do with the monitoring command:

In [28]:
%sd monitoring -h

usage: sd monitoring [-h] {metrics,resource_types,groups} ...

Execute Stackdriver monitoring related operations. Use "sd monitoring
<command> -h" for help on a specific command

positional arguments:
    metrics             Operations on Stackdriver Monitoring metrics
    resource_types      Operations on Stackdriver Monitoring resource types
    groups              Operations on Stackdriver groups

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

List names of Compute Engine CPU metrics

Here we use IPython cell magics to list the CPU metrics. The Labels column shows that instance_name is a metric label.

In [29]:
%sd monitoring metrics list --type compute*/cpu/*

Metric typeDisplay nameKindValueUnitLabels coresGAUGEDOUBLE1instance_name usageDELTADOUBLEsinstance_name utilizationGAUGEDOUBLE1instance_name

In [30]:
%sd monitoring resource_types list --type gce*

Resource typeDisplay nameLabels
gce_diskGCE Diskproject_id, disk_id, zone
gce_instanceGCE VM Instanceproject_id, instance_id, zone
gce_routerCloud Routerproject_id, router_id, region

Querying time series data

The Query class allows users to query and access the monitoring time series data.

Many useful methods of the Query class are actually defined by the base class, which is provided by the google-cloud-python library. These methods include:

  • select_metrics: filters the query based on metric labels.
  • select_resources: filters the query based on resource type and labels.
  • align: aligns the query along the specified time intervals.
  • reduce: applies aggregation to the query.
  • as_dataframe: returns the time series data as a pandas DataFrame object.

Reference documentation for the Query base class is available here. You can also get help from inside the notebook by calling the help function on any class, object or method.

In [31]:
from google.datalab.stackdriver import monitoring as gcm

Help on method select_interval in module

select_interval(self, end_time, start_time=None) unbound google.datalab.stackdriver.monitoring._query.Query method
    Copy the query and set the query time interval.
        import datetime
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        query = query.select_interval(
            start_time=now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))
    As a convenience, you can alternatively specify the end time and
    an interval duration when you create the query initially.
    :type end_time: :class:`datetime.datetime`
    :param end_time: The end time (inclusive) of the time interval
        for which results should be returned, as a datetime object.
    :type start_time: :class:`datetime.datetime` or None
    :param start_time: The start time (exclusive) of the time interval
        for which results should be returned, as a datetime object.
        If not specified, the interval is a point in time.
    :rtype: :class:`Query`
    :returns: The new query object.

Initializing the query

During intialization, the metric type and the time interval need to be specified. For interactive use, the metric type has a default value. The simplest way to specify the time interval that ends now is to use the arguments days, hours, and minutes.

In the cell below, we initialize the query to load the time series for CPU Utilization for the last two hours.

In [32]:
query_cpu = gcm.Query('', hours=2)

Getting the metadata

The method metadata() returns a QueryMetadata object. It contains the following information about the time series matching the query:

  • resource types
  • resource labels and their values
  • metric labels and their values

This helps you understand the structure of the time series data, and makes it easier to modify the query.

In [33]:
metadata_cpu = query_cpu.metadata().as_dataframe()

resource.type resource.labels metric.labels
project_id zone instance_id instance_name
0 gce_instance yelsayed-project1 us-central1-b 428882731927323020 dev

Reading the instance names from the metadata

Next, we read in the instance names from the metadata, and use it in filtering the time series data below. If there are no GCE instances in this project, the cells below will raise errors.

In [34]:
import sys

if metadata_cpu.empty:
  sys.stderr.write('This project has no GCE instances. The remaining notebook '
                   'will raise errors!')
  instance_names = sorted(list(metadata_cpu['metric.labels']['instance_name']))
  print('First 5 instance names: %s' % ([str(name) for name in instance_names[:5]],))

First 5 instance names: ['dev']

Filtering by metric label

We first filter query_cpu defined earlier to include only the first instance. Next, calling as_dataframe gets the results from the monitoring API, and converts them into a pandas DataFrame.

In [35]:
query_cpu_single_instance = query_cpu.select_metrics(instance_name=instance_names[0])

# Get the query results as a pandas DataFrame and look at the last 5 rows.
data_single_instance = query_cpu_single_instance.as_dataframe(label='instance_name')

2017-03-06 18:52:01.763 0.006553
2017-03-06 18:53:01.763 0.005854
2017-03-06 18:54:01.763 0.006008
2017-03-06 18:55:01.763 0.008540
2017-03-06 18:56:01.763 0.011653

Displaying the time series as a linechart

We can plot the time series data by calling the plot method of the dataframe. The pandas library uses matplotlib for plotting, so you can learn more about it here.

In [36]:
# N.B. A useful trick is to assign the return value of plot to _ 
# so that you don't get text printed before the plot itself.

_ = data_single_instance.plot()

Aggregating the query

You can aggregate or summarize time series data along various dimensions.

  • In the first stage, data in a time series is aligned to a specified period.
  • In the second stage, data from multiple time series is combined, or reduced, into one time series.

Not all alignment and reduction options are applicable to all time series, depending on their metric type and value type. Alignment and reduction may change the metric type or value type of a time series.

Aligning the query

For multiple time series, aligning the data is recommended. Aligned data is more compact to read from the Monitoring API, and lends itself better to visualizations.

The alignment period can be specified using the arguments hours, minutes, and seconds. In the cell below, we do the following:

  • select a subset of the instances by using a prefix of the first instance name
  • align the time series to 5 minute intervals using an 'ALIGN_MEAN' method.
  • plot the time series, and adjust the legend to be outside the plot. You can learn more about legend placement here.

In [37]:
# Filter the query by a common instance name prefix.
common_prefix = instance_names[0].split('-')[0]
query_cpu_aligned = query_cpu.select_metrics(instance_name_prefix=common_prefix)

# Align the query to have data every 5 minutes.
query_cpu_aligned = query_cpu_aligned.align(gcm.Aligner.ALIGN_MEAN, minutes=5)
data_multiple_instances = query_cpu_aligned.as_dataframe(label='instance_name')

# Display the data as a linechart, and move the legend to the right of it.
_ = data_multiple_instances.plot().legend(loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1,1))

Reducing the query

In order to combine the data across multiple time series, the reduce() method can be used. The fields to be retained after aggregation must be specified in the method.

For example, to aggregate the results by the zone, '' can be specified.

In [38]:
query_cpu_reduced = query_cpu_aligned.reduce(gcm.Reducer.REDUCE_MEAN, '')
data_per_zone = query_cpu_reduced.as_dataframe('zone')

2017-03-06 18:39:00 0.008050
2017-03-06 18:44:00 0.007758
2017-03-06 18:49:00 0.007813
2017-03-06 18:54:00 0.007748
2017-03-06 18:59:00 0.008734

Displaying the time series as a heatmap

Let us look at the time series at the instance level as a heatmap. A heatmap is a compact representation of the data, and can often highlight patterns.

The diagram below shows the instances along rows, and the timestamps along columns.

In [39]:
import matplotlib
import seaborn

# Set the size of the heatmap to have a better aspect ratio.
div_ratio = 1 if len(data_multiple_instances.columns) == 1 else 2.0
width, height = (size/div_ratio for size in data_multiple_instances.shape)
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(width, height))

# Display the data as a heatmap. The timestamps are converted to strings
# for better readbility.
_ = seaborn.heatmap(data_multiple_instances.T,

Multi-level headers

If you don't provide any labels to as_dataframe, it returns all the resource and metric labels present in the time series as a multi-level header.

This allows you to filter, and aggregate the data more easily.

In [40]:
data_multi_level = query_cpu_aligned.as_dataframe()

resource_type gce_instance
project_id yelsayed-project1
zone us-central1-b
instance_id 428882731927323020
instance_name dev
2017-03-06 18:39:00 0.008050
2017-03-06 18:44:00 0.007758
2017-03-06 18:49:00 0.007813
2017-03-06 18:54:00 0.007748
2017-03-06 18:59:00 0.008734

Filter the dataframe

Let us filter the multi-level dataframe based on the common prefix. Applying the filter will look across all column headers.

In [41]:
print('Finding pattern "%s" in the dataframe headers' % (common_prefix,))

Finding pattern "dev" in the dataframe headers

In [42]:

resource_type gce_instance
project_id yelsayed-project1
zone us-central1-b
instance_id 428882731927323020
instance_name dev
2017-03-06 18:39:00 0.008050
2017-03-06 18:44:00 0.007758
2017-03-06 18:49:00 0.007813
2017-03-06 18:54:00 0.007748
2017-03-06 18:59:00 0.008734

Aggregate columns in the dataframe

Here, we aggregate the multi-level dataframe at the zone level. This is similar to applying reduction using 'REDUCE_MEAN' on the field ''.

In [43]:
data_multi_level.groupby(level='zone', axis=1).mean().tail(5)

zone us-central1-b
2017-03-06 18:39:00 0.008050
2017-03-06 18:44:00 0.007758
2017-03-06 18:49:00 0.007813
2017-03-06 18:54:00 0.007748
2017-03-06 18:59:00 0.008734